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Terre di Siena

When earth turns into marble

Terre di Siena is a unique material from the Faggetta quarry. Here the rock is transformed into marble in a transition of a few centimeters allowing these extraordinary blocks to be extracted. a unique material in the world.

Very low absorption material, ideal for use in kitchen countertops, bathrooms, flooring, cladding and much more…



"VENTURINI MARMI S.R.L.U.- IMPROVEMENT OF MACHINERY EQUIPMENT TO PERFORM ADDITIONAL WORKINGS AND STRENGTHENING NEW PRODUCTION LINES. Project co-financed / financed by the POR FESR Tuscany 2014-2020 action 3.1.1 a3 "Aid aimed at combating the epidemiological emergency COVID-19" Tuscany investment fund - investment aid.
@2022 by Venturini Marmi

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